Our computer at home has been doing odd things lately like shutting down all of a sudden when the boys are playing Peggle at the same time as listening to Napster and running the internet in case they need to look for cheats for the PS2 game they are also playing. It sometimes does it when I'm using it too and I'm not sure why but it can only be a bad sign.
The quick and easy solution seems to be an external hard drive. Its definitely cheaper than a whole new machine and better than losing all the data on this one which include loads of photos and music which I foolishly haven't really been backing up anywhere. My friendly IT assistant says this kind of behaviour is another step along the road to computer oblivion; we need one that's bigger, better, faster, quieter - and more expensive.
I found just the thing at dabs.com called Buffalo something which made me think of Buffalo fencing but smaller. So I clicked to buy and added my card details and the new Verified by Visa thingie popped up. I duly entered my card number, expiry, card name and my date of birth and waited.
Mmm error, try again. 3 times I tried and then it locked me out. Ring Visa it said. They shut at 5.00 so that was no good and I spent the night worrying that the 'puter would conk out next day and all would be lost because I hadn't bought the Buffalo.
When I rang them the next day they 'took me through security' and when I said my date of birth the girl said 'No, that's not your date of birth sorry, try again'
What? Really? No wonder no-one could ever come to my birthday parties as a kid. I thought it was because they were snowed it but obviously not!
I told her again and again she told me I was wrong. No wonder the card verify hadn't worked. She wouldn't tell me what date she had on her screen so I told her to ring Barclays where I have my account and cross check.
She rang me back and admitted that they must have made a mistake. It would be fixed but I wouldn't be able to use the card for another 24 hours while they updated the system.
Aargh. Another day hoping that it will restart every time it shuts itself down.
Click to buy at dabs is fantastic. I clicked at 11pm Wednesday and it arrived at 2pm on Friday. Plug and Play and half an hour later all of our computer is now in two places at once. I know techies don't think this is cool but I do. Wow.
So now I am free to click and buy once again. Do you want to see what I've been looking at?
I can see myself in a big old gangster car - well it is Blue
and this little convertible is just the right size for my dw.

How would I expain that to the accountant? Sadly we are more in need of a 7 seater than a 2 seater and in the meantime you will see me in my Citroen