Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Get me thinner

A while back I mentioned a man who came to look at a house to rent and told me he could shoo spirits away if they were hanging around too long. Well I bumped into him at the leisure centre (I wasn't there doing sports I can assure you - we go there to buy chocolate when the other shops are shut!) and he told me he thought he should pay me a visit becuase I was looking tired.

Anyhow he popped in to my office the other today to give me a consultation becuase he is also a herbalist and reiki healer. From having a good look at me he thinks I must have a lot of stuff trapped in my colon.. I though I was just a bit fat! Never mind, I also need to use my name as it was given to me GREGORY not Greg. I had a thought that maybe I need MORE name so how about a middle name (my parents couldn't think of one apparently) something like T - for Trevor? Or TM Trevor Milo? Gregory Trevor Milo Simpson?????

The cure for my sticky colon is a box of goodies which arrived this morning. Guaranteed to increase the number of toilet visits in any one day and needs a few days at home to sort out. I won't be doing that any tome soon as I can't always be sure of being close to a bathroom.....

There is other stuff in the box though incuding green liquid chlorophyll which smells like mint sauce but tastes very greeeen and some other pills to calm my nerves. The kids tested my nerves before and after taking a pill and pronounced no difference but we will see how it goes over the next week and I will update you.

I received another box this week which was much more exciting becuase it was filled with pens. I am on such a strict budget at the moment that I am reduced to buying stationery from eBay to satisfy my longing for something new and shiny. New Porsches are some way off but pens to keep me going. This box had a couple of those cartridge pens that were popular in schools in the 80s. Did you have one too?

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