Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Firstly, I must apologise for something. If you look at any of our rightmove property listings you will see that they have some pretty whacky reference numbers. I started doing it because people I know in the business were always asking me how many properties we had and I didn't want to tell them in case they fell off their chairs. Lots of other agents look at our listings - Mr H and Mrs Y you know who you are! Most agents use the same references that they have on their property files which would be a bit of a giveaway so to keep them guessing, I made up ridiculous reference numbers.

Up until now it hasn't been a problem but this week I've had phone messages and calls from people who have used the reference numbers to tell me about the property they want to see and the conversations have gone something like this:

Caller: I am calling about property number 9888997899939.

Me: Ok..... what does the property look like in the photo?

Caller: It's a house I think

Caller: I don't know

Me: Just let me get rightmove on my screen and I'll see..............

Yikes. I must stop doing it. From now on I promise to use shorter references but you'll still be guessing!

A whole year has gone by since I last posted about fireworks at the Baldons, doesn't time fly?

This year I managed to beat FK to the roadside banner

and someone else sponsored the Hog Roast.

The fire was big, The sparklers were lovely

and the fireworks were loud and sparkly.

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