I went up to visit them in the summer to talk about a new idea I have and I took some pictures while I was there. I had no idea that Liverpool was so cool! I'd never been there before and found everyone to be really friendly which was great for me who can talk the hind leg off a donkey.
Here are some Super LambBananas which I think were to to with the Capital of Culture 2008

And now to the countryside. I saw this nest and little chicks at a house in Eynsham in the spring. They were down low next to the front door so mama bird must have been quite confident that a cat wasn't going to get them!

Continuing on the animal theme, I almost jumped out of my skin at a new property on Cumnor Hill a couple of months ago. I pulled into the drive and got out of the car and as I turned around towards the house I was faced by a big deer about 10ft away. I think I out-stared him because he moved before I did!
My office is at the top of the stairs in 7 Stert Street and the dogs from downstirs in Redmayne Bentley have got me down as a soft touch. They wait until I am in my chair in the mornings before slinking up the stairs and poking their noses round the door for a biscuit.
We've had a couple of dog friendly houses this year too and the current owner's dogs featured in the advertising we did. A new dog is now happily installed and no doubt still sniffing the garden like mad!
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