Friday, October 08, 2010

What's new in Abingdon?

Well there are new recycling bins everywhere for a start and in some places where they can't be put in back gardens the streets are looking pretty untidy.

Hodsons mistakenly put a To Let board in the front garden of a flat we manage which gave the tenant a bit of a scare

The flat they are advertising is upstairs and doesn't have a garden. You can see it on rightmove if you are interested. Nice location and an easy walk to town.

Apart from that, the fair was in town at the start of the week and I came home from teh office with a headache everyday after having to listen to:

"Dof Dof Dof chest thumping music, ScreEEEEEEaaaaaaMMMMMM if you want to GO Fassssster! ONE way round Pleeeeease and Press the Pedal to goooooo"

through my office window. Roll on the Runaway Fir on Monday and Tuesday, not.

The sunshine and local viewings have enabled me to leave the car at home most days and walk to work and then walk to appointments which is good for my wasit-line and the petrol bill. Walking also means that I bump into all sorts of tenants and landlords who are also out and about in the sunshine. None of them abused me as I passed by so we must be doing most things right!

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