Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bluedoor Bluedoor how does your garden grow?

It grows with the help of Mr Green Fingers Richard Taylor our favourite gardener. (Don't tell my mother in law!)

He has transformed the garden of one of our newbuild properties from a muddy place to this
If your garden is looking worse for wear or you would just like to give it a new look give us a call and we'll put you in touch.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Join the Rush

Oh dear!

Landlords are in such a rush to instruct bluedoor that they will abandon their cars anywhere.

Poor parking courtesy of the car park at Waitrose Abingdon. The most expensive and mouth-wateringly tempting corner shop in the world.
No one was injured in the taking of this photo.

Friday, March 23, 2007

To Let or not To Let?

If you are considering letting the property you currently live in please, please, please consider a few things.

Do you want to live somewhere else while your house is let?
Can you afford to live elsewhere while your house is let?
Are you willing to live elsewhere for a whole year even if your original plans go awry?
Do you agree that letting your home is a business agreement not a favour to the tenant?
Can you accept that to all intents and purposes the property is not yours for the term of the agreement?

If the answer to any of the above is 'No' then maybe letting your home is not the best way forward.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Would you like a cheque for £50?

Did you know that you can get £50 when you recommend a landlord and we let their property with our full management service? Well you can and a good number of our landlords and friends are pleased as punch when they get their cheque in the post.

Maybe that's why this week has been so busy. We've got a new property in Peachcroft by recommendation as well as flats inJackman Close and Headington. The gorgeous house in the previous post is let subject to contract as is the lovely family place in Radley.

I had a raised eyebrow when taking the internal photos of the Peachcroft house because one of the bedrooms has a lot of green plants under lamps. I thought I was going to have to ring the old bill! The current tenant isn't a small time dealer though, he's an orchid collector - thank goodness.

Then new tenants have moved into Caldecott Road and are even happier now that a good man has been in there and not found any spirits needing sending towards the light. The chap had looked at letting the house himself so gave it the once over. Apparently there a quite a few places in Abingdon where spirits have needed a nudge to move on. They aren't usually bad; they're just a bit lost between here and there. I might get him to check out all our properties before letting them in the future!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Busy busy busy

We haven't blogged for a while because we have been rushed off our feet!
I pass other agent's windows and see them sat there drinking coffee and surfing while I'm running around like the proverbial blue ar*** fly. What gives? There is a whisper out there that the infamous FKL are feeling the wind of Bluedoor's change a bit fiercely and no matter how often they say that they are the best in Oxfordshire a few of our new landlords beg to differ. Tee hee hee.

We have bought 3 new properties on behalf of a landlord which will be ready to let in a month or so, we have managed the renovation of an amazing and historic apartment in Oxford, moved some pilots into a gorgeous 3 storey place in Kidlington and taken on 3 properties so far this week among other things.

Happy, happy landlords and happy, happy tenants. Wouldn't you be happy if you lived in a castle with a view like this from your own balcony?

Here's the castle and that's the balcony. Back in the old days it was a knockin' shop; the current residents are delightful and work for large multinational companies!

It needed a bit of brightening up to be re-let. Look no kitchen.....

.........WOW! Great work by Malcolm. Thanks

Speaking of wow and cool things - have you ever wished that you could get into the shower and not have to fiddle around getting it to the perfect temperature? If you have then you need to rent this townhouse in Vintner's Place from us.

It has shower controls outside the shower on the bathroom wall so that you can set the temperature while you do other things and when you get under the water it is just how you like it. The dials glow blue so if you are a VW fan you'll love it - that and the magic lights that come on when you enter the rooms. Spooky the first time you experience it I can tell you!!!

Have a look at more pics here